- 由 虚拟的现实创建于2月 22, 2024 需要 5 分钟阅读时间
Outline 是一款类似于 Notion 的笔记本/团队协作Wiki软件。Outline 是开源软件,软件由 Node 编写、数据库为 Postgres 9.x +、可以使用 Redis 作为缓存、部分存储使用 S3 兼容的对象存储协议。
- 允许用户随意改动和进行私有化部署,所有数据由用户自己掌控,只要用户改造后不推出和官方一样的云服务进行商业化竞争即可。
- 这款软件的编辑器类似简化版的 Notion,书写使用的快捷键和语法标记几乎和 Confluence 一致,切换使用几乎没有学习成本(除了个别快捷键)。
- 软件界面中提供类似 Obsidian Publish 的悬浮卡片,能够在不切换上下文的情况下,快速了解工具内其他内容的概要,比较节约上下文切换时间。
- 支持团队协作、以及分享功能,但是并不是强制要求使用的,对于个人使用场景、或小团队私密使用的场景,就显得非常友好了。
- 另外,所有的文章数据均允许直接导出(默认格式为 markdown)、同样的,你也可以使用 API 或者编写自己的小工具快速进行整站内容的转换和导入。
- 一个域名,配置一个主域和一个二级域。比如note.naizhao.com(用户访问Outline)和storage.naizhao.com(用于Outline存储附件),然后IP地址指向你的服务器
- Docker运行环境
- 一个微软账号,可以登陆到https://portal.azure.com/。本文将以Azure AD登陆为基础
- 一个MailJet或者MailGun或者其他的SMTP账号,用于Outline发送邮件
- 网站根目录在/var/www/com/naizhao/note
设置Azure Active Directory
打开 http://portal.azure.com/ ,点击【管理 Azure Active Directory】,左侧导航选择【应用注册】,点击【新注册】,输入应用名称,比如【Naizhao's Note】,选择【仅此组织目录中的帐户】,重定向URL选择Web,值输入【https://你的网站/auth/azure.callback】,比如【https://note.naizhao.com/auth/azure.callback】。
拷贝【应用程序(客户端) ID】,备用
左侧点击【API 权限】,右侧点击【添加权限】,选择【Microsoft Graph】,选择【委托的权限】,在下面的OpenID权限中,把【email】、【offline_access】、【profile】三个选上,点击【添加权限】。
左侧导航点击【证书和密码】,点击【新客户端密码】,说明里面可以填一个容易识别的名字,比如 【Outline】,【截止期限】默认或者选择其他值,点击添加
# –––––––––––––––– REQUIRED –––––––––––––––– NODE_ENV=production # Generate a hex-encoded 32-byte random key. You should use `openssl rand -hex 32` # in your terminal to generate a random value. SECRET_KEY=<bash下运行"openssl rand -hex 32"生成> # Generate a unique random key. The format is not important but you could still use # `openssl rand -hex 32` in your terminal to produce this. UTILS_SECRET=<bash下运行"openssl rand -hex 32"生成> # For production point these at your databases, in development the default # should work out of the box. DATABASE_URL=postgres://<数据库用户名>:<数据库密码>@postgres:5432/outline DATABASE_URL_TEST=postgres://<数据库用户名>:<数据库密码>@postgres:5432/outline-test DATABASE_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN= DATABASE_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX= # Uncomment this to disable SSL for connecting to Postgres PGSSLMODE=disable # For redis you can either specify an ioredis compatible url like this REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 REDIS_URL=ioredis://eyJzZW50aW5lbHMiOlt7Imhvc3QiOiJzZW50aW5lbC0wIiwicG9ydCI6MjYzNzl9LHsiaG9zdCI6InNlbnRpbmVsLTEiLCJwb3J0IjoyNjM3OX1dLCJuYW1lIjoibXltYXN0ZXIifQ== # URL should point to the fully qualified, publicly accessible URL. If using a # proxy the port in URL and PORT may be different. URL=https://<网站地址> PORT=3000 # See [documentation](docs/SERVICES.md) on running a separate collaboration # server, for normal operation this does not need to be set. COLLABORATION_URL= AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<minio用户名> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<minio密码> AWS_REGION=local # AWS_S3_ACCELERATE_URL= AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_URL=https://<附件存储域名,比如storage.naizhao.com> AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME=outline-bucket AWS_S3_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=26214400 # AWS_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE=true AWS_S3_ACL=public-read # –––––––––––––– AUTHENTICATION –––––––––––––– # Third party signin credentials, at least ONE OF EITHER Google, Slack, # or Microsoft is required for a working installation or you'll have no sign-in # options. # To configure Slack auth, you'll need to create an Application at # => https://api.slack.com/apps # # When configuring the Client ID, add a redirect URL under "OAuth & Permissions": # https://<URL>/auth/slack.callback SLACK_CLIENT_ID= SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET= # To configure Google auth, you'll need to create an OAuth Client ID at # => https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials # # When configuring the Client ID, add an Authorized redirect URI: # https://<URL>/auth/google.callback GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= # To configure Microsoft/Azure auth, you'll need to create an OAuth Client. See # the guide for details on setting up your Azure App: # => https://wiki.generaloutline.com/share/dfa77e56-d4d2-4b51-8ff8-84ea6608faa4 AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<应用程序ID(第一个拷贝的)> AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<客户端密码(第二个拷贝的)> AZURE_RESOURCE_APP_ID=<APPID(第三个拷贝的)> # To configure generic OIDC auth, you'll need some kind of identity provider. # See documentation for whichever IdP you use to acquire the following info: # Redirect URI is https://<URL>/auth/oidc.callback OIDC_CLIENT_ID= OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET= OIDC_AUTH_URI= OIDC_TOKEN_URI= OIDC_USERINFO_URI= # Specify which claims to derive user information from # Supports any valid JSON path with the JWT payload OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM=preferred_username # Display name for OIDC authentication OIDC_DISPLAY_NAME=OpenID # Space separated auth scopes. OIDC_SCOPES=openid profile email # –––––––––––––––– OPTIONAL –––––––––––––––– # Base64 encoded private key and certificate for HTTPS termination. This is only # required if you do not use an external reverse proxy. See documentation: # https://wiki.generaloutline.com/share/1c922644-40d8-41fe-98f9-df2b67239d45 SSL_KEY= SSL_CERT= # If using a Cloudfront/Cloudflare distribution or similar it can be set below. # This will cause paths to javascript, stylesheets, and images to be updated to # the hostname defined in CDN_URL. In your CDN configuration the origin server # should be set to the same as URL. CDN_URL= # Auto-redirect to https in production. The default is true but you may set to # false if you can be sure that SSL is terminated at an external loadbalancer. FORCE_HTTPS=false # Have the installation check for updates by sending anonymized statistics to # the maintainers ENABLE_UPDATES=true # How many processes should be spawned. As a reasonable rule divide your servers # available memory by 512 for a rough estimate WEB_CONCURRENCY=1 # Override the maximum size of document imports, could be required if you have # especially large Word documents with embedded imagery MAXIMUM_IMPORT_SIZE=5120000 # You can remove this line if your reverse proxy already logs incoming http # requests and this ends up being duplicative # DEBUG=http # For a complete Slack integration with search and posting to channels the # following configs are also needed, some more details # => https://wiki.generaloutline.com/share/be25efd1-b3ef-4450-b8e5-c4a4fc11e02a # SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN= SLACK_APP_ID= SLACK_MESSAGE_ACTIONS= # Optionally enable google analytics to track pageviews in the knowledge base GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= # Optionally enable Sentry (sentry.io) to track errors and performance, # and optionally add a Sentry proxy tunnel for bypassing ad blockers in the UI: # https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/troubleshooting/#using-the-tunnel-option) SENTRY_DSN= SENTRY_TUNNEL= # To support sending outgoing transactional emails such as "document updated" or # "you've been invited" you'll need to provide authentication for an SMTP server SMTP_HOST=<SMTP服务器> SMTP_PORT=<SMTP端口,比如465> SMTP_USERNAME=<SMTP用户名> SMTP_PASSWORD=<SMTP密码> SMTP_FROM_EMAIL=<发件人地址> SMTP_REPLY_EMAIL=<邮件回复地址> SMTP_TLS_CIPHERS=TLSv1.2 SMTP_SECURE=true # The default interface language. See translate.getoutline.com for a list of # available language codes and their rough percentage translated. DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=zh_CN # Optionally enable rate limiter at application web server RATE_LIMITER_ENABLED=true # Configure default throttling parameters for rate limiter RATE_LIMITER_REQUESTS=1000 RATE_LIMITER_DURATION_WINDOW=60
version: "3" services: outline: image: outlinewiki/outline:latest env_file: ./docker.env command: sh -c "yarn sequelize:migrate --env production-ssl-disabled && yarn start" ports: - "3000:3000" depends_on: - postgres - redis - storage redis: image: redis ports: - "6379:6379" volumes: - ./redis.conf:/redis.conf command: ["redis-server", "/redis.conf"] healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] interval: 10s timeout: 30s retries: 3 postgres: image: postgres ports: - "5432:5432" volumes: - ./database-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready -U user"] interval: 30s timeout: 20s retries: 3 environment: POSTGRES_USER: '<数据库用户名>' POSTGRES_PASSWORD: '<数据库密码>' POSTGRES_DB: 'outline' storage: image: minio/minio env_file: ./docker.env ports: - "9001:9001" - "9002:9002" entrypoint: sh command: -c 'minio server /data --address ":9001" --console-address ":9002"' deploy: restart_policy: condition: on-failure volumes: - ./storage-data:/data healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:9001/minio/health/live"] interval: 30s timeout: 20s retries: 3 environment: - MINIO_ROOT_USER=<minio用户名> - MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<minio密码>
version: "3" services: startup: image: minio/mc entrypoint: /bin/sh -c " /usr/bin/mc config host rm local; /usr/bin/mc config host add local http://storage:9001 <minio用户名> <minio密码>; /usr/bin/mc mb local/outline-bucket; /usr/bin/mc anonymous set public local/outline-bucket; exit 0;"
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